I'd like to get a 10-20 gallon tank, get some guppies, and neon tetras.
When should I get a algae eater or snail?
Any advice/tips on breeding guppies and about snail reproduction(how to prevent snails from reproducing)?
Thanks!New fish tank? Advice and tips?
The algae eater isn't a very good idea. The common algae eater grows up to 20 inches, needing a minimum of 75 gallons. However, a golden apple snail might be just what you are looking for. These small snails are a very bright yellow colour and are striking in your tank. The best part is that they do not reproduce alone, so as long as you don't get more then one, there shouldn't be a problem. Here is what the golden apple snail looks like: http://z.hubpages.com/u/1082365_f520.jpg
As for the guppy breeding, there isn't much to it. Have a male, have a female and boom, 2 seconds later she's pregnant. Well, I might be exaggerating there. Make sure there is at least 2 females per male, so the female doesn't get stressed. Or just go to your fish store and pick out a female is already pregnant! That's the easy way to go.
They are available at almost any fish store. If you can't find them, ask a worker if they have any Golden apple snails in stock. They will know what you ware talking about.
Hope I helped! ;]New fish tank? Advice and tips?
get the snale/algae eater whenever you want..but fyi, algae eaters (you mean corys/loaches right?) will need more food than just algae from the tank walls.. and they like to be in schools (well corys do)
also, you dont really need to have any tips how to breed guppies, just have i trhink its 2 females for every male, and wait and youll eventually have tons lol
Be sure and cycle your tank first.
I would go for the twenty if you can. bigger is better in the fishy world and this will give you more fish keeping room.
You don't have to do anything for guppies to breed, they will do it theirselves and do it well. Have one male per two-three females or if you don't really want lots of fry to take care of, get all males. Neons need to be in schools of at least 5 or more. Schooling fish are happier when they can school. and pairs do not do it.
You can't stop snails from reproducing, so unless you just like snails, stay away. Algae eaters need an established tank before placing them in it to keep them healthy. There are wafers on the market to help feed them, but its better to wait till you have some algae to be sure.
i wouldn't get a snail. they infest the tank! i went through hell after getting a snail. the tank was crawling with them. but get cycle, stress coat, and salt(yes even fresh water fish benefit from salt just get the right kind. the people at the petstore will help). cycle is a brand name i'm not sure if they still have cycle per say. you need beneficial bacteria. you put it in when starting a tank and when you do water changes. sometimes it's hard to get a tank started. danios are very hardy fish. i would get those to start. i have never had good luck with guppies and neons.
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