my fiance and I are thinking of having a little one. We are young. I will agree with you on that one. I'm going to have my business administration degree in about a year. Question is I'm wondering how many really think its necessary to own instead of rent?
also, how long untill its no longer good for it to be a one bedroom compared to a two bedroom
any other pre planning baby helpful thanksANY ADVICE HELPFUL.... NEW MOMS YOUNG MOMS?
Owning your home is never a necessity. It comes with all kinds of responsibilities that some people would be better off doing without. If you ever want to move or decide you want more kids than your house can hold - you have to find a buyer for the old house and a new one to live in. If you try for a big enough place to hold your family right away and you run into financial problems - it can be really hard to get out. If the plumbing or roof or anything gets broken, you are responsible for fixing it. And as regulations change, if you don't keep your house up to code - it can be impossible to find affordable home owners insurance.
On the down side, renting means I have to consult someone else if I want to get a pet or make any major changes (such as planting a tree.) It also means that if they decide they are tired of being in the renting biz - they can kick me out and sell my home. (Which is highly unlikely now that I am living in an apartment, but I did loose a lovely home with a big yard that way.)
I would love to own a home some day. But short of inheriting one - I do not plan on doing so until I am older (30s or 40s?), financially secure, and positive that this is the area I want to settle down. For now - I enjoy the convenience of being able to call the landlord when the water heater springs a leak, the drains are stopped up, or the air conditioner just stops working.
For your question about one bedroom compared to two ... That really depends on your family and your finances. My daughter and I shared a 1 bedroom apartment until she was 5 years old. It was crowded (especially when friends stayed over) but we made it work. However, I would recommend other families upgrade to 2 bedrooms as soon as they are sure they can afford it. Even if you do decide to co-sleep that first year or two of your kid's life, the extra space is sure to come in handy.ANY ADVICE HELPFUL.... NEW MOMS YOUNG MOMS?
I would say it is better to own than rent because the money you are paying on rent is paying your landlord's mortgage and he is getting equity in that house and not you...right now is a good time to look into buying because the housing market is so desperate and I think Obama is giving some kind of 1st time home buyer grant (something like that) also, when you look, stay on a budget cause with this economy and a possible baby, if any one of you looses your job, you can still make the don't want to be struggling financially and have a baby as well :) Well to be house will ever be big enough! I have a 4bdrm tri-level, country kitchen, family room, living room and 2 bathrooms and it doesn't seem like enough room for us and our 2 kids and miniture chihuhua! The kids have too much crap!
well most people believe owning is better because for around the same amount a month you would be paying for rent you can be putting into something that will be yours in the long run. for example if you pay 500 a month in rent for 10 years you've paid someone else 60,000.00 and have gotten nothing from it. on the other hand if you pay the same on a morgage you can have a permanant home for you and your baby paid off before the kid gets into high school. with the way the economy is now things are going for cheap. so finding a place is easier. on the other hand. if you don't know for sure where you're goign to be in 10 years it's better to rent so that you have the option of moving without having to go through the trouble of selling first.
Well my husband and I upgraded from our lovely 2bd 2ba apartment to a roomy 4bd 2ba house when I got pregnant. We spent 2 years there then my husband was offered a promotion in another state. It was really hard to get rid of the house and that was right before the housing market took a dive (november 07) so I think it is better to rent until you are sure you are putting down roots. Also out of 4 bedrooms we all slept in 1. I put 2 Queen beds side by side and we never had a problem. You can all stay in the same room for as long as you like.
all i can say as a young mom myself, if you plan on having a little one, be sure you have everything figured out first. a baby takes up alot of time. if you have nothing to worry about and you can just focus and raising your baby then go for it! i would settle into a house of some sort first. Enjoy the time you have with your fiance, because having a baby means less time just you and him. I love my son and me and my husband make it work! its a wonderful experience. good luck!
Look into child care to make sure you can afford it. Day care is expensive, and I agree with whoever said you should wait until you're done with school and are married before you get pregnant. This is something that will be important when explaining marriage and children to your own child later on. Everything else has been covered by everyone else.
MY humble opinion -- wait until you're married, and wait until you are done with your degree. Trust me, it won't be easy studying and taking finals with a newborn. And if you get sick during your pregnancy, you'll miss a lot of class.
Owning vs renting is irrelevant.
If you're engaged to be married, then it makes sense to wait until you are actually married before having a baby.
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