Wednesday, July 28, 2010

As a new supply teacher to inner London schools I'm doing me ead in,any advice?

I so want to teach and help the kids but they are so full of attitude and a serious lack of disciplineAs a new supply teacher to inner London schools I'm doing me ead in,any advice?
Make sure you know the discipline procedure and who to call to remove a kid. Tell them you are a fair teacher but you they wont get any respect or fairness from you unless you get it from them. If they waste your time, take their time from them at break, lunch or after school.

Try all the above methods and if they still give you hassle - take a deep breath, open your newspaper and smile at the thought of how much you are getting paid to do nothing!! You already have your education, if they arent prepared to give you the respect you deserve as an adult let alone a teacher then boo sucks to them - you can always give them a wink as you collect your burger from them at the drive through in five years time!!As a new supply teacher to inner London schools I'm doing me ead in,any advice?
There are good schools in London with excellent management teams. You just need to find them. Working as a supply teacher should give you an insight into how things work but let's be honest, you're only going to get sent to those which already have problems. Successful schools have other ways of covering for staff absence.

I would suggest you apply for a permanent or contract position. It's not too late to find somewhere for September.
yes - run now and never look back

joking apart I had one rule in the classroom 'MY turn next'. If someone swore was rude etc it was'my turn next'. when they looked blankly at me when i said it i pointed out that they had just had thier turn and it was my turn next. So after i had sworn, been rude or whatever then they would be free to take their turn

It did not laways work but 9 times out of 10 it did.

Just be firm/fair/consistent.

Sorry i cannot be any more help.
Welcome to teaching! Unfortunately the students see all supply teachers as fresh meat who are not going to be there long , or, even teaching their own subject. You need to get a permanent post and even then it will take at least a couple of years to make real headway. Develop as much attitude as the students and develop those one-liners and you'll survive. Unfortunately when you give it back they're likely to go running home to mummy and daddy and dump you in it. Good eh ?
My advice is get out now. The government doesn't want people like you to help kids that need help.
show them that you will punish them, dont show that you r worried but do be a fun teacher once they respect they will learn.
Good on you for wanting to help and yes, there are lots of kids with attitude and no discipline.

1. It's not personal - you are a cardboard cutout, an authority figure, any attitude is not about you as a person, so don't react as though it is. Keeping detached and cool will help you and them.

2. Find out about the school's discipline procedures and then use them. Don't 'let kids off' in the hope that they'll like you - they'll just see you as a soft touch.

3. You're their teacher, not their friend. Stay professional and adult.

4. Why supply teaching - it's truly the hardest way. If you're a permanent teacher they get to know you, you get to know them and things are a lot easier.

Good luck xxx

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