Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Advice, tips etc. for a new mommy?

My daughter is 6 days old now and I love her sooo much but I feel I'm not adjusting well. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I under estimated how hard and how much work it takes. My daughters father (my fiance) is great help but he's at work all day and he has an interview for a 2nd job. I guess Im just feeling a little overwhelmed. So does anyone have any helpful advice, tips for myself as a new mom, tips or advice on newborns or other words of wisdom and experience? Thanks to all!Advice, tips etc. for a new mommy?
Sleep when your daughter sleeps. Trust me, you will need A LOT of sleep in the first 2 weeks! I thought I wouldn't need to nap during the day, and WOW was I tired! I actually stayed awake for 3 days straight! I scared myself into thinking I wouldn't hear my daughter crying and wake up! I found out, you will wake up...it's a mommy reflex!

Take help when it is offered! Be it your fiance offering to make dinner, do the laundry, change a diaper, whatever it is - TAKE IT!

I thought I could do it all on my own, that my husband would be so proud if I was not only taking care of our daughter, but the house too, and turns out all he wanted was me to sleep and not be so frazzled.Advice, tips etc. for a new mommy?
Being a mum is hard but it is the most rewarding job in the world.


Sleep when the baby sleeps

It's okay to leave dirty dishes over night

The house can get messy

Take the phone off the hook while feeding and sleeping

Put a do not disturb sign on the front door if you need a break from visitors

Ignore rude remarks from elderly ladies in the store.
Hi First of all Congrats!!!

I completely know how you feel. I was so overwhelmed when my girls came home I thought I was gonna lose my mind. Nothing in the world could have prepared me for it all. All of our family is out of state and my husband worked 2 jobs so it was just me most of the time. Between being overwhelmed, sleep deprived and trying to do it all right, ( since I knew nothing about babies ) I was making myself crazy. To top it all off my one daughter had colic. That was absolutely a nightmare. I would be in tears some days when my husband got home. Poor guy would come home to all of us crying.

If you can ( and I know this is hard ) try to find time for you. Even if its an hour a day. ( more if you can ) Go grocery shopping, sit outside, soak in the tub, just have time to clear your mind. That really helped me. My ';escape'; was going grocery shopping or going to the laundry mat. ( Would take the big comforter there ) Felt good to be by myself and sorta relax. I know that might seem silly but it worked. I had been on wellbutrin while pregnant and had thought about going back on it but never did.

Things will fall into place and all will be ok. I cant believe I am saying that since I never thought it would happen for me but it did. My girls are now 6 months and still alot of work, but I think I am getting the hang of it. ha, ha.

When people ask if it was a good day I say.... At the end of the day when we went to bed we were all in one piece and breathing so yes it was a good day!!';

I wish you the best and hang in there it will get better.

Congratulations on your new baby! I have a 5 week old right now and I had the same feelings when I came home with my son. My husband is working 2 jobs and between breastfeeding and taking care of my other son, I was VERY overwhelmed.

The best thing to do it to make sure you have a good support system around you. If you can, have someone come by to help you watch the baby, do some wash or cook, and let you get some rest.

Sleep when the baby sleeps! Even if there are tons of things to do around the house - right now, your rest is more important.

Most of all, make sure you express yourself to your fiance and let him know how you are feeling. Holding it inside only makes it worse.

Of course, if you start crying constantly or you lose interest in the baby, cannot eat or sleep or experience any other postpartum depression symptoms, call your doctor IMMEDIATELY. It happens to a lot of people (including me) and if you seek treatment, you feel SO much better.

Good Luck to you!
If you have family or friends that are available to help you, do not be afraid to ask them for help. That was my problem with my first child...I was feeling overwhelmed and thought if I asked for help it would show that I couldn't do it and I did not want anyone thinking that. I now realize that all new mothers need help and there is NOTHING wrong with asking for a little help if you need it. Even if it's just an hour so you can take a nap or do some laundry...people love babies and are always willing to take them for an hour or two so you can do something!

Also, it does get much easier when you get used to having a routine, it just becomes second nature and you do not even have to put effort into, let alone think about, doing some of the things that seem s difficult now. I am expecting my third child as the more practice I get, the easier it is!

Congrats and GL!
1. Everyone goes through what you are feeling!

2. Trust your instincts more than anything you read or hear.

3. Remind yourself this is a temporary phase. It will get better. With each week, it will get a bit easier. By 3 months, you'll be a pro!

4. If you can, sleep when the baby sleeps. Take time to recharge! This is the biggest mistake us new moms make - not sleeping when we should.

5. If you're breastfeeding, don't wear a bra when at home.

6. Have snacks in the house that you can eat with one hand.

7. Call family/friends for a needed break when you think you're going to lose it.

Your feelings are totally normal! We all went thru it!
are you nursing? if you are, expect her to nurse all the time. babies nurse a lot the first month. when you think they're not hungry, they are.

and honestly, no one does this, but sleep when the baby sleeps. it doesn't matter if you're taking a nap at 9:30 at night and getting up at 12 and staying up until 8am. sleep. remember that your baby has days and nights confused because during the day when you walked around, the baby was rocked to sleep. babies continue that pattern outside of the womb until they get the hang of it. I would wake my baby up to nurse every 2 hours during the day (I'd let him fall back asleep right away if he needed to) and let him sleep as long as he could at night. if you're not against co-sleeping, I'd recommend that because they sleep better when they're near you. they just spent 9 months in there and have no idea what's going on when they're out.

don't expect to do too much. take time to heal your body and relax. sit and hold and rock your baby. sleep. don't worry about the dishes, cleaning, or laundry. and you know how people said, 'oh if you need help let me know,'? take them up on that. a meal here or there or someone just coming over and holding the baby so you can pee and clean up and eat will make you feel better.

I also bought luna bars and cliff bars and would just have them by me because most of the time I didn't have time to make a meal. they got me by because I'd be starving half the time. I didn't adjust well at all either. I cried more than my son did when he came home. remember your hormones are out of whack right now too and you'll feel better soon. the first 4 weeks are hell and the second 4 weeks are alright and then it's awesome.

I made sure I showered every day too. sometimes I'd shower in the middle of the night while the baby was sleeping just so I could feel normal. but it's a nice little break. don't forget about yourself.

hope I helped. good job and good luck, momma, chin up :) you're doing great.

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